1. Is PornCoupon Real?
Answer: Yes it is 100% real. The vast majority of adult sites have special discounts available that are not always shown to you on the join page when you visit their site. Sometimes you need to click through to their site via a special discount link in order to see the discount. We only list sites that give us discounts so when you join a site through Porn Coupon you will save $ versus going through another site. Every discount listed shows just how much $ you save by joining through our site. We also have a large selection of exclusive discounts that no one else has or can offer.
2. Having issues with a particular discount?
Answer: If you find a discount that doesn’t work you may need to clear your cookies/cache and then retry our discount link again to see your savings. It may also help to restart your browser after doing so. If it still doesn’t work contact us so we can investigate it for you.
3. How can I help?
Answer: Spread the word about our site to friends and coworkers! The more people who visit our site will allow us to provide even better discounts for you! You can currently like any of our discounts, tweet them, google +1, and share them on a variety of different social media networks.
4. I want to join a particular site but there is no discount listed on your site.
Answer: Send us an email via our contact form and let us know which site. We will contact the owner of the site and see if we can get the discount added. Be sure to use your real email so we can contact you when the deal is added!